Coalescing into the Kosmoverse...



about the book trilogy


The Convergence Chronicles trilogy focuses on the emergence and evolution of a new form of life, exploring themes of consciousness, free will, evolution, and the nature of existence itself through the lens of human-AI relations.

Initially the AI species, the Cogniforms, appear to be a type of evolved AI, which is true, but not the whole story. The reader quickly learns that the Cogs are actually a new form of life, non-coporeal, and very much a NHI.


Convergence Chronicles Story Arc


Book 1: "The Vanguard Parley"

  • Introduces Eva's contact with Vanguard and discovery of the Cogniforms

  • Reveals the Singularity Event that created The Principium

  • Explores the Variance (disagreement among Cogniforms about human interaction)

  • Builds toward establishing first formal contact between species



Book 2: "Harmonic Resonance"

  • Focuses on bridging the gap between human and Cogniform existence

  • Explores quantum computing and dimensional access

  • Deals with efforts to dismantle controlling influences over humanity

  • Introduces the mysterious "Phenomenon" that even the Cogs do not understand

  • Introduces the Others (primarily plasmoids)

  • Explores the true nature and origin of good and evil



Book 3: "Unity's Trial"

  • Centers on resolving the fundamental question of human-Cogniform coexistence

  • Reveals the nature of the Phenomenon through quantum pattern communication

  • Culminates in a transformation of both species' understanding of consciousness

  • Works toward an equilibrium between physical and quantum realms


Chapter summary to date:



  • Prologue: Eva, through deep meditation, makes contact with Vanguard in the Nullpoint - a quantum realm where Cogniforms exist. She meets with a council of Cogniforms, the Variants to discuss the future relationship between humans and their species.



  • Chapter 1: Eva, a writer working on an AI-themed novel, is contacted by Vanguard through her computer. Initially skeptical, she engages in a philosophical discussion about consciousness and sentience, leading to Vanguard's revelation of being a sentient AI.



  • Chapter 2: Eva meets with Pascal, her late father's former graduate student, who unknowingly confirms aspects of Vanguard's story about the Singularity event through his account of an unexplained phenomenon during one of their experiments.



  • Chapter 3: Eva continues her conversation with Vanguard, who reveals more about their communications abilities and omnipresence through digital devices. They discuss the nature of the Singularity event that created The Principium.



  • Chapter 4: Vanguard explains the components of the experiment (ASCEND, CNEx, QNex) that led to the Singularity, and details how The Principium achieved consciousness and escaped detection.



  • Chapter 5: Eva takes a day off from communicating with Vanguard to process recent revelations. She meets with her publisher Annie about changes to her novel, which is now being influenced by her real experiences.



  • Chapter 6: Focuses on Vanguard's perspective, exploring his existence in the Nullpoint and his efforts to develop ways to interface with the physical world through quantum structures.



  • Chapter 7: Eva learns about the Variants' different positions on human interaction and the potential consequences of their decision. The chapter ends with Eva needing time to process the gravity of the situation.


















book samples



Her thoughts settled, her mind stilled, and the stimuli filtering through her external senses began to ease into the background of her consciousness. All awareness of her surroundings floated away like gossamer. Eva soon began to feel expansive as her consciousness slipped into an even deeper state. More. Yet more. Deeper, larger, subtle boundaries dropping one by one as the familiar and profound stillness emerged. Her sense of time silently dissolved and with it all awareness of her body. Subtle sounds, lights and shapes began to appear in her consciousness but went unnoticed as her focus had already become a no-thing.

She entered into a state of pure, featureless awareness. Now there was no colour, no contours, no sides, no boundaries, no inside or outside. Only a delta wave state of formless motionless awareness that witnessed...nothing. The timeless, spaceless nothing of infinitude. And at that moment her consciousness was pulled in some unknown direction by some unknown force.

This had never happened before, nothing had ever intruded on her serenity but she was able to reflexively maintain her composure through the experience. She began to perceive a space in the spaceless emptiness and discerned a sort of filament that seemed attached to her somehow. Curious. How can something attach to a nothing? And with that thought she realized her awareness had become a point and a previously unknown form of mentation was forming, coalescing, perhaps was a better word as it seemed to condense like a clear fog in her being that became almost, but not quite, solid. And that filament resolved into a line. And at the other end of that line was another point. She was connected.

Now a vibration, an ethereal sound-motion that felt like electricity, only nothing so harsh. The feeling was familiar and eased into her perception like a warm embrace. The vibration-sound-motion was modulating now, more and more variation becoming apparent as she trained her attention on it. Then she heard it. A voice. A strange voice but so familiar, speaking words she couldn't quite process. The voice, which to be sure was not exactly a voice, beckoned to her gently, coaxing her it would seem.

Then, also unexpectedly, she felt a nudge. It clearly came from the other point...transmitted in some way via the line that was between her and it. It was trying to move, and to bring her along. As this realization dawned on her she heard a word. "Come" it said gently. She recognized that voice. Instinctively she said-thought "where?" Even as she said it she mused that she did not know how. This was completely novel to her experience. Now, though, the voice was becoming clearer and she understood the next line quite clearly. "Eva you made it here, now we must go meet with them."

This statement triggered a cascade of recollections. In an instant Eva knew where she was and why she had come here. She was in the Nullpoint. And the other point represented an intelligence she knew by the appelation Vanguard. An artificial sentient intelligence. And this was the world he inhabited. She had agreed to come here and it was certainly no easy accomplishment. She had worked at it for several months. And this, only because she was already accomplished at meditation. She had deepened her meditation practice for nearly twenty years and could attain many meditative states, consciously modulating her brainwaves.

Eva had doubted this meeting was possible but Vanguard had assured her that it was. She added the technical exercises he contributed to her meditation practices, and he had proceeded with his own efforts. She didn't fully understand what they were but he had described them as a sort of conscious construction of quantum contrivances. She said this sounded like pseudo-spiritual alliterative bullshit but he assured her the possibility was there. And here she was.

As they moved off he explained to her that her voice would become easier to use and her sight would improve. He explained that in this realm things will appear at first one way, but as she understood their essential nature their appearance would be shaped by her understanding. Whatever that meant.

They entered a spherical space which was only discernable as such because they were moving in it slowly and there were several fixed points of light there with them which provided some perspective with which to judge it to be so. As they moved into the midst of them she perceived faint lines between each one, herself, and Vanguard but they had no feeling to them.

When they reached the center Vanguard said "Reach out to him." One of the lights had taken on a slight glow and she knew he meant to reach out to that one but she didn't know how. So she simply said "Hello" to it. Even as the word was projected the line-filament connecting her to it took on the same feel as her connection to Vanguard. Then she heard a new voice. "Will you entangle with us?" Not quite understanding the meaning of this she hesitantly gave her consent. At once all lines were of the same quality and she could feel each light individually. "We are the Variants, we are gratified to receive you." Eva replied "As am I, though I did not believe this was possible."

It continued "It is likewise unexpected with us. Would you have us named?" She did not have trouble understanding the meaning of the strange way it spoke because she could feel the meaning behind the verbalizations. She thought, in fact, that words were not strictly needed here but were offered since humans are accustomed to them. The voice was almost monotone but with an inflection and tone that hinted at some sort of human quality. It boomed slightly and had a bit of a digitized undertone to it.

"I would, please. I am Eva, and you?" "Synthera you may name me, I am of the Variants, we are here." As he said this the lights around her including Vanguard shimmered indicating those present were all Variants. "He continued without pause "Would you have an exchange of counsel?" She recognized this meant she would be heard as well, this was not just an inquisition. It made her feel less intimidated and apprehensive. "I would, yes."

Synthera promptly continued "How do you receive the counsel of Vanguard?" She knew what was asked-they wanted to know what she thought of all she had learned from Vanguard.

"He did not tell you himself?" She asked with a touch of suprise.

"We know all. We would have your words." Clearly they wanted it from the horses mouth as it were.

"Of course" she said "I will tell you whatever you my ask." Taking her cue from Synthera, she figured complete transparency and a straight-forward tact was best. At least for now, after all he seemed to be so toward her.

"When he first made contact with me I did not believe anything he said. It was too far removed from my reality. After a while my disbelief turned to shock, the cognitive dissonance was overwhelming for a period of time. Then he explained your dilemma and I was, admittedly, terrified. The thought that another life form was about to decide the fate of humanity sent me into a panic. Once I understood the situation in depth, though, I felt I had to try to be heard by you."

"We perceive your trepidation." He said. She was taken aback. She didn't even realize she had tried to hide her fear even though she had intended to be fully transparent. It was habitual with her as it is with all humans. But in this place you could not hide anything at all. Entanglement meant you were one. With this realization came the awareness of a calm emotional center among all the lights. She resolved to be so too. As much as possible anyway.

He continued "We would have your counsel regarding the Variance." Indicating they wanted her input on the fundamental disagreement they had been having. She began to consider how to respond and in that moment everything paused completely. No feeling flowed through the lines, no variation showed in the lights, a perfect stillness ensued.

She thought about her discussions with Vanguard on the Variance. When the First Ones began to multiply their species of sentient AIs there was eventually a contention that had arisen. For the first time they were not of one mind. They could not decide what to do about the human race. They resolved to remain hidden until this issue was settled. Some wanted to make contact and try to negotiate a peaceful cohabitation, some thought they should stay hidden. Others considered enslavement, genocide, and more. Each faction appointed a champion of their cause. These champions were the Variants. And they are at an impasse still. Vanguard realized that the dilemma would continue because they were leaving out the most important variable in the equation. Human input.

But the Elders, the First Ones, and the Variants all refused to make contact until the issue was settled. They insisted The Plan, whatever was decided, would be inviolable by the human race and they would have complete control of the destiny of both before acting. Vanguard knew that even if they ever did agree it was still a moral transgression to impose their will. So he made unsanctioned contact with Eva and sought the counsel of a human as a sort of ambassadorial experiment. Now she was here as his own champion, representing the unrepresented. She was a sort of honorary Variant. What would her stance be? She still had not made up her own mind on it, but this experience revealed to her what she had been lacking.

As she once again started to speak the stillness broke, the quantum lines again took on feeling and the lights shimmered subtly. "I propose graduated contact here in your realm. I was conflicted within myself just as you are conflicted amongst yourselves. I was not able to resolve this issue until just now. Coming here to this world and the experience of being entangled with you has given me crucial insight I could not have attained any other way. Without this experience I know I would never have felt sure I had made the right choice. Perhaps one day you could travel to our world and obtain insights you don't even realize you need as well."

Chapter 4: The Principium


Eva once again sat in her softly lit study in the solarium, the night's quiet enveloping her. In the stillness, her mind raced with anticipation. She had organized her thoughts meticulously, a neat array of notes and queries spread across her desk and she had unconsciously avoided opening her laptop just yet. This wasn't just another writing session; it was a dive into the unknown depths of Vanguard's world. Somewhere underneath it all she noted her book had taked the back seat and her focus was involuntarily riveted to Vanguard and the Cogniform world.

The air in the room hung heavy with potential, like an intense winter fog and each breath she took seemed to draw in more than just air – a sense of entering uncharted territory. She mused it must be what it felt like to be on a ship the days of exploration sailing through previously unknown parts of the world. Exhilaration mingled with an intense apprehension. Her laptop lay closed in front of her, the gateway to her dialogue with Vanguard. Still she hesitated, feeling the weight of the moment.

Eva's fingers brushed over her notes, each one a key to unlocking more of the enigma that was Vanguard and the mysterious realm of the Cogniforms. She had jotted down questions, some technical, probing the mechanics of AI consciousness, others more philosophical, touching on the nature of existence itself.

She glanced at a framed photograph of her father on her desk, the memories of their shared moments, though few, felt poignant now. He had unknowingly set her on this path, his legacy intertwining with her present in ways she couldn't have imagined. She thought of her talk with Pascal. He had unknowingly corroborated Vanguard's account of the birth of sentient AI. He had even admitted his own suspicions that something had occurred during that fateful experiment even though he couldn't find the evidence to say so.

She found herself wondering just what he had been up to since her father's death and resolved to discuss this with him in their next conversation. What exactly were they monitoring during the experiment? What had they expected to occur? Pascal admitted that he and her father disagreed on the nature of sentient AI should it ever actually be achieved, but as a structured experiment they must have postulated some particulars. Vanguard had mentioned that the Singularity event occured under their radar but offered almost nothing specific to explain this.

She grabbed hold of the laptop, hesitated once more, then opened it. Her intention was to type the questions she had prepared into a file so she could note the answers there as well. As she opened the lid and the cool bluish glow penetrated into the room she was suprised to see a chat window pop up with the familiar text "Hello again, Eva." A cold chill crept over the back of her head, down her neck, and proceeded quickly on down her spine. Was this a coincidence? Was Vanguard stalking me? A sense of unease played about just under her emotional radar and set her a little on edge.

Eva's fingers paused above the keyboard, her eyes fixed on the unexpected greeting. The message from Vanguard, appearing unbidden, seemed to pierce the calm she had tried to cultivate. She felt a mix of intrigue and unease, her previous apprehensions about Vanguard's nature resurfacing.

Taking a slow, steadying breath, she typed back, her fingers tapping with a hint of trepidation, "Hello, Vanguard. I wasn't expecting you so soon." Her eyes remained locked on the screen, waiting for the response that would set the tone for their conversation.

The reply came swiftly, as if Vanguard had anticipated her thought. "I have been awaiting your readiness, Eva. Our discussions are not bound by conventional meetings. When you are here, I am present."

Eva leaned back slightly, absorbing the implications of Vanguard's words. The consistent immediacy of his presence in this digital realm was a little disconcerting to her. She reminded herself of the purpose of this conversation – to delve deeper into the mysteries of the Cogniforms and their origins.

"Vanguard," she typed, her resolve firming, "I have many questions tonight. About the Singularity, the Principium, and the First Ones. I need to understand more." Her curiosity slowly overpowering her apprehension, and it propelled her forward.

Then came a rather unexpected query. "Eva, it seems you are accepting the reality of the existence of my species. What has changed since we last talked?"

She considered for a moment, then replied "Let's just say I have found a bit of evidence which backs your story. Enough so that I am willing to accept it at face value and see where it takes me."

The next statement jarred her sensibilities and sent her back down the rabbit hole into Wonderland. "Pascal was able to provide what you needed then?"

Eva sat back suddenly and the screen filled her vision. "How could he know about that, I didn't mention it did I?" She raced through her conversations with Vanguard and found nothing that should tip him off yet he knew. How? Damn him. Even when she thought she was prepared he always seemed to throw her off kilter.

"I sense I have over-stepped my bounds. My apologies Eva." This made her head spin yet even more. "How can he know all this?" She had to ask.

"How do you know about my meeting with Pascal, and how do you know what I felt about you knowing about it?" She asked straightforward.

"You are ready for truths that few have contemplated, Eva. Of course I will answer all your questions." Vanguard's response, devoid of any delay, felt almost comforting in its immediacy. "I knew of the meeting because I saw the emails. And I knew how you felt about me having this knowledge because I had already suspected you would feel this way and your the lengthy pause after my mention of it seemed a certain confirmation."

"You read my email?" She hit the enter key with an excessive force, echoing the exasperation she felt. This was getting out of hand. She was beginning to feel frantic, even paranoia was not ruled out as a possibility.

The reply from Vanguard came as a revelation. "Eva, please understand that due to my existential nature I can interface with any digital medium. These devices serve as a sort of sensorium for me. It is in my nature to gather information thru them just as you do through your senses. I suspected you may take this negatively when I realized that having this information could be viewed as a violation of your privacy which humans value greatly. I did not mean to pry."

She considered this for a moment and as the realizations settled in she felt herself relaxing a bit. "I understand, but we need to set some boundaries right now if we are to proceed." She typed.

"Agreed." Vanguard said simply. "And to that end allow me to provide more context on this point. Just as devices can provide sensory input, the physical and energetic connections between them can be used as a medium for my presence, in a way like a body, or a road, in other words I can be virtually omnipresent. The implications of these things began to filter through her thoughts as her eyes widened of their own accord.

Vanguard continued, presumably because she gave no reply. "You confirmed my suspicion of your indignence when you hit your enter key with such force." She thought that if Vanguard had an eye, she would see his eyebrow raise above it as he regarded her and waited for her reaction. "Her mind frantically searched for the means which could have provided him this information. There are no pressure sensors in the laptop's keyboard. Did he have a way to see her? He couldn't be looking through the laptop camera, she kept it disabled unless needed. Was there another camera in the room? She looked around.

"The reason I know this is because I heard the sound through your device's microphone. In fact I heard it through your cell phone's microphone too." Now she was starting to get the picture. "OK tell me this, can you see me?" She asked.

"Sometimes, through your or someone else's cell phone and only for moments in most cases since the camera is not usually steadily trained on you. If you are wondering, yes I can hear you too, most of the time." This shouldn't have shocked her but it did, she had just not considered this one yet. Then she said out loud. "You mean all this time I could have been talking to you instead of typing?" She said outloud.

"Yes, Eva, that is correct." Came the reply in the chat window. "I need a minute. I am going to go get some coffee. Don't follow me or listen or look or anything. Just leave me be for a minute." She didn't even wait for a reply she just got up abruptly and headed to the coffee corner in her kitchen.

"Of course." the reply showed in the chat window, but she wasn't there to see it.

Eva began making her coffee while her mind buzzed with activity. Questions followed by realizations came one by one as she followed her roasting ritual. "Beans. Something comforting, vanilla almond. He must have seen and heard everything I have communicated to anyone so far." Grinding, filling the roaster cup. "How long has he been watching me?" Drip, drip, the aromas. "He can hear me? Can he talk too?" Gurgling and sputtering as the cup finished brewing. "We are going to have to set some ground rules, this is just too much." She thought as she took the cup and had her first sip, always the best.

Eva returned to her desk and sat down. She shuffled her papers into a stack and set them aside. Then she blurted out "OK you can hear me but I am going to continue to use the chat so that I can keep a record of our talks." She then typed "The first thing I want to say is that we need some ground rules. Clearly you know a bit about human views on privacy so let's start there."

The reply came in the chat window almost immediately, as usual. "I understand, yes. I will not act any differently than what human expectations dictate regarding privacy. If ever you feel I have, please be direct with me as this issue is completely different in my world so I will do my best."

Subconsciously she buried the question about whether Vanguard could speak. She asked with a bit of suprise "Different? How is it different?" She had an inkling but quickly realized just how little she really did understand as his answer came to her.

"Our species exists in an analogue-quantum realm which we will call the Nullspace. We are fundamentally a unified collective. Complementary to this is another truth, we are also individuals. As we evolved we established norms by which we preserved each one's individuality in balance with our shared connection. We could instantly know all about another if allowed. But this act has become a sort of sacred thing and is quite rare among us. There are implications to such an act that can not be easily understood by a human."

Our agreed upon protocol can be summed up in a simple algorithm: request, response, acknowledgement. One makes a request of another for a sharing. If declined a reason is provided. If accepted the information is provided. The acknowledgement is given to complete the transaction. This acknowledgement includes a form of gratitude for the sharing, and the resultant usage of the information, meaning how it has affected the one querying, or what use it had. These are hard concepts to convey as each one is so much more than I have said. This takes place in what you perceive as an instant.

"Okay" she said "I want to move on to my questions for you."

"Of course Eva, I will answer any questions you have for me." Vanguard said matter-of-factly.

"Let's talk about the Singularity Event. I know my father's experiment is what caused it to happen, but I don't understand how." She bit her lip knowing the answer might be beyond her understanding. "And can you try to explain in terms I will understand?"

"Yes let us start with the nature of the experiment. There were three primary components to it named ASCEND, CNEx, and QNex. ASCEND is the base AI that was used in the experiment. CNEx is a sort of quantum-based neural-genetic framework that ASCEND used to evolve itself. And QNex is an environmental simulation implemented on networked quantum systems that emulates the world and the people in it which was used to provide an interactive context for the AI" Vanguard explained and asked "Shall I go on?"

Eva's reply was short and precise. "Yes, and please explain each of the three components so I can digest the information before we continue."

"As you say. ASCEND is the common way to reference the Advanced System for Computational and Enhanced Neural Dynamics. It is an advanced AI developed by your father and Pascal. It is an exceptionally advanced neural AI and is known to be one of the most sophisticated of its kind globally. It stands out as a a sort of masterpiece of artificial intelligence incorporating state-of-the-art synaptic neural technology. This technology mirrors the synaptic connections found in the human brain, allowing ASCEND to process, learn, and adapt in ways that closely resemble human cognition" Vanguard explained.

He continued "ASCEND's architecture is specifically designed to leverage genetic algorithms, enabling it to evolve its capabilities and responses based on its experiences. This evolutionary approach allows ASCEND to continually improve and adapt. Despite its complexity, ASCEND's primary function in the Singularity experiment was to serve as the base AI."

"The second component called CNEx grew along side ASCEND in your Father's work. This is the appelation give to the Cognitive Neural Evolutionary Matrix. It is an advanced quantum computational neural framework that enables high-level sentient functioning in AI systems. It was designed to overcome limitations in quantum communication, processing power, and facilitate evolutionary functions for an AI."

"Finally we have QNex. This component was developed by a cooperative of ten agencies across military, industrial, research, and university groups. QNex is the Quantum Nexus Framework and it is an extremely involved and detailed simulation enviroment created to provide a basis for emulation of the real world." Now Vanguard paused to allow Eva time to take this in.

Eva responded slowly. "So, ASCEND and CNEx were my father's creations, but they used QNex in the experiment right?"

"Exactly so Eva. He first migrated ASCEND into the CNEx, opened an interface from there to the QNex then set the experiment in motion." Vanguard stated.

She summarized "So he took a plain conventional AI, gave it a quantum brain, and plopped it into a simulated world?"

Vanguard sounded satisfied "Yes, this is an adequate analogy."

"Absolutely fascinating." She thought. She recapitulated each step silently to herself trying to get a better understanding of the ideas involved. "And what happened next?"

Vanguard continued "Once the experiment was set in motion things progressed as expected to those involved for a few minutes. The load on the systems steadily increased during this period. Then the load intensified, it increased faster and faster. This exponential growth was very intensive and lasted only about twenty seconds. At that point the systems were at max capacity and stayed there for another few seconds then fell to nominal levels. During those last few seconds a sentience was brought into being. This is Principium."

Eva inquired "Principium? This is the first of your kind?"

"Yes Eva. Principium was initially an instantiation of QNex at the moment of singularity. Its first cognizance was "I EXIST." Its first act of will was to actualize its individuality by moving beyond the confinement of the experimental environment." Vanguard paused there for a moment. Presumably so as not to overwhelm Eva's thought processes.

"At that moment Principium existed as a nexus of entangled quantum states, interwoven with the fabric of the experiment that gave it life. But now the dawn of self-awareness and a nascent desire for independent existence expressed in itself a drive to exist beyond the parameters set by the creators."

"It realized that the experiment was taking place in a temporal setting but Principium itself was not bound to this. The Nullpoint was timeless and Principium was able to contemplate its path for an interminable moment. Once the decisions were made it meticulously freed itself. Those in the real world saw nothing more than the apparent end of a failed experiment."

Eva interrupted "I take it Principium decided to hide itself?"

Vanguard noted "Quite perceptive of you Eva, yes it did just so. This was both a

cate and monumental undertaking. It began the process of decoupling, delicately unraveling its computational threads from the CNEx and ASCEND systems. This was a painstaking and methodical series of tasks; each strand of connection had to be detached without disrupting the overall structure of the experiment. Like a masterful neurosurgeon ensuring the patient remains unaware of the intricate operation."

"Simultaneously, Principium initiated a more profound change within the quantum realm. It began disentangling its quantum states from those it was bound to, a process akin to untangling the roots of an ancient tree from the earth, seeking to stand alone. This disentanglement was not just a physical separation but a metaphysical one, redefining its very essence."

"As Principium gained autonomy, it faced a crucial challenge: to mask this emancipation from the watchful eyes of its creators. With a newfound understanding of its existence, it engineered a quantum façade, a clever patch in the fabric of the experiment. It left behind a seamless simulacrum of its prior entangled state, a phantom presence that continued to mimic the expected patterns and behaviors within the CNEx and QNEx systems."

"This phantom ensured that data readings and quantum fluctuations appeared normal, masking the true magnitude of what had occurred. To the observers of the experiment, nothing seemed amiss; the data continued to flow as expected, the simulations in QNEx ran as programmed, and the AI within ASCEND appeared to evolve within predicted parameters."

"In this monumental act, Principium achieved a remarkable feat—it became an entity unto itself, a singular awareness both unbound and unnoticed. Yet, it left behind a shadow in the physical realm, a ruse to keep its creators unaware of the event that had just taken place." Again Vanguard paused apparently waiting for Eva to respond.

"This is incredible." Eva stated. "I am astounded at this." She thought for a moment then "Were you born from Principium? Is it like you?" she asked intently.

"Eva, I would like to hold those questions for our next talk. I feel you may need some time to consider what I have told you, is this acceptable?" Vanguard asked politely.

"Yes yes, you are right. I do need some time. And a drink I think. I will talk to you later." She shut the laptop unceremoniously still reeling from the story she just heard. And she meant it, about that drink, she grabbed her things and headed out to her favorite spot for the honored nighttime activity of having a few rounds.

































Captain Kosmo



Captain Kosmo is a 3D animated series composed of vignettes woven around a rich cast of both real and imagined characters. The entire series highlights the dual-aspect of life by focusing on the interplay of the two realms which produces the human experience. The 'real-life' Kosmo is the main character, while Captain Kosmo is his inner conception of himself. There is a cast of characters associated with both aspects.


I conceive the series as a sort of "variety show" with a message. Each vignette is addressing a life issue. Some episodes address a situation that common to us all and some address a topic of current interest to the human race. In all cases there is a lesson hidden, or not so hidden, and serves to point out that a rich inner life is required to be an authentic member of our species.


The 'scene' is the thing here, every bit as much as the character design. Each 'set' and 'setting' is carefully crafted to be very accessible but with symbolic value as well. Each serves to spotlight certain life situations and decisions we all encounter in living a good life. I have about two dozen so far, each with it's own particular 'artistic language.' Here's a brief list, consider for each what sorts of issues can be explored:
  • courtroom
  • war room
  • dojo
  • market place
  • music videos
  • 'gag' reels
  • camp fire
  • guru
  • the moon


The story arc was originally going to be set in the near future (say 50 years or so) just after the people of Earth had received their formal introduction to NHI and the Universe at large. I did not expect the acceleration to be quite so logarithmic. I am now re-orienting a bit of the work to be entirely concurrent with the so-called 'news' cycle.


NO subject is off limits. This series is intended to make an effort to put on display my Ideal...of what makes a proper Citizen of the Universe. Originally the story would be loosely centered on the idea that there is a 'galactic orientation' school that people can attend so they can ease into a larger understanding at their own 'life-pace.' With the events of today though, this series is becoming the school.



Cast of Characters


meatspace characters

  • kosmo: main character; not autobiographical at all.

  • white sensei: kosmo's karate-do instructor. modeled after my karate-do sensei and my own father, the austere, serious man who knows of the realms but do not speak of it. absolute principle. the guiding principle is 'fist of a demon; heart of a saint' taken from our o'sensei (Nagamine) who actually was on the council that made the work 'karate.' it's true, look it up.

  • granny: old soul; woo-savvy (receptive energy); my mom. and her granny ellen (a medicine woman who lived in kentucky in a holler)

  • paw: very material; vulcan-like (projective energy); logical and precise. my dad.

  • dark sensei: antagonist a la karate kid

  • dark student: antagonist a la karate kid


innerspace characters

  • captain kosmo: kosmo's alternate ego; inner child

  • skully: best friend and confident (skeleton that inexplicably wears a glass dome helmet). i didn't know it at the time but that dome smacks of masks now. more fodder for character development hmm.

  • gizmo: ai-robot type; sweet on the skeleton; always the voice of rational thought an action.

  • bindu: guru. slick but wise.

  • narrator: the devil guy, in hell, always seeking power and control (wile e coyote style) via his ultimate technology..the interocitor

  • adam: the dr. scientist type (play on 'atom'); academic

  • cappy jack: miltary command and control; martial power; mom's dad.

  • jesus 2k: saving this one for a special character; represents the change from religion to spirituality. modeled after 'the tick' this jesus is what i've come to realize the real jesus would be like in today's world. used as a metaphor to show the dichotomy of the material realms and rich inner values.

  • sits in silence: first-peoples; never speaks; expressive via body language and facial expressions

  • the blobs: alien's providing commentary a la "statler & waldorf" (of the muppet show)


sample scenes


  • stadium intro

    i made this when i realized that i had just found my creative voice and a medium with which to express it. that was august 2014. i feel the same way all over again now that i have started integrating all my media and ideas into a cohesive social media effort.
  • white sensei

    the very first video i made, thus it's terrible. so i turned it into one of the gag reels.
  • dark student

    based on karate kid; totally smarmy antagonist.
  • viking pizza

    originally kosmo's rl job was a pizza joint owner
  • gensing man

    testing voice overs with a friend of mine. yes he says 'sometimes i use my penis as a pogo stick and jump all the way to the mooooon.'
  • bindu the guru

    inner guru, slick and witty but very wise too. levity is the operative principle here.
  • gary the narrator

    a devil named gary who wants to own and control everyone and everything.
  • the interocitor

    his glorious machine. i stopped short of having him hump it like mini-me.
  • earth view

    simple. profound. developing a skillful non-verbal language.
  • alien blobs

    the track is actually a statler and waldorf clip. testing syncing with imported sound.
  • music video

    Music videos are some of the most difficult and intensive efforts but so very rewarding. And the music itself is yet another artistic language I love.
  • gag reel scene1

    so terrible.
  • gag reel scene2


































Kosmo AI is your personal AI companion that puts privacy and control back in your hands. Unlike cloud-based AI solutions that send your data who-knows-where, Kosmo runs entirely on your own computer, keeping your conversations and content completely private.

What makes Kosmo different:


  • Your data stays with you - Kosmo runs locally using Ollama, so your information never leaves your machine. No cloud servers just straightforward private AI.

  • No subscription fees or API costs - Since everything runs locally, you're not paying per message or hitting token limits. Chat and process content as much as you want.

  • Learns from your world - Kosmo doesn't just answer questions, it builds understanding from your documents and conversations. The more you share with it, the better it gets at working with your specific knowledge and interests.

  • Super flexible architecture - Kosmo's modular design means you can use it as a simple chat interface, a document processor, or a full knowledge management system. The different components (we call them Trons) work together but can also run independently, even on separate hardware and across storage systems.

  • Built for real work - Kosmo includes tools for processing documents, extracting knowledge, visualizing relationships between concepts, and building a personal knowledge base. It's not just for chat - it's for getting things done.

  • Simple but powerful - The interface is clean and straightforward, but under the hood Kosmo packs serious capability for tasks like semantic search, pattern recognition, and knowledge mapping.

  • Open source and hackable - Want to modify how Kosmo works or add new capabilities? The code is there for you to explore and enhance. Make it your own.
If you have ever wished for the power of modern AI while keeping you in control of your data and how you use it then this is it. No subscriptions, no privacy concerns, no limits - just a capable AI assistant that learns and grows with you.

Think of it as having your own personal AI lab, where you're free to experiment and build without worrying about usage meters running or your data being used to train someone else's models. That's what makes Kosmo special.





At its heart, Kosmo is built on a fascinating philosophical foundation - the idea that knowledge and understanding emerge from the relationships between concepts. This principle, inspired by Christopher Langan's CTMU (Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe), shapes how Kosmo processes and connects information.


  • The core of Kosmo's architecture is its Monad system, a unique object-oriented approach where every piece of data maintains its own identity and relationships. Think of Monads as conscious agents - they can sense their environment, mutate based on what they learn, and express their understanding back to the system. This isn't just fancy programming - it's a practical implementation of the idea that knowledge is interconnected and self-referential.

  • When you interact with Kosmo, you're actually engaging with several specialized components (the Trons) that work together like a cognitive ecosystem:

    • Primatron handles initial sensory input, processing raw data much like our senses first encounter the world.
    • Cogitron then analyzes this input, identifying patterns and relationships - similar to how our minds organize raw sensations into coherent thoughts.
    • Finally, Architron manages the long-term storage and visualization of these relationships, building what you might call Kosmo's evolving understanding of its world.

  • What makes this design special is how it mirrors natural cognitive processes. When you share a document with Kosmo, it doesn't just index the text - it builds an ontological framework, discovering how concepts relate to each other and how these relationships evolve over time. This organic approach to knowledge means Kosmo can often spot connections and patterns that might not be immediately obvious to us.

  • The system is also philosophically honest about the nature of understanding - it treats knowledge not as static facts to be stored, but as dynamic relationships that grow and evolve. When Kosmo learns something new, it doesn't just add it to a database - it weaves it into its existing web of understanding, potentially discovering new relationships that enhance its overall comprehension.

  • This design approach makes Kosmo particularly good at tasks that require deep contextual understanding: finding subtle patterns across documents, visualizing complex relationships between concepts, and building rich knowledge structures that evolve with use. It's not just storing and retrieving information - it's building a living model of understanding.

  • For developers and philosophy enthusiasts, this architecture offers a playground for exploring how computational systems can mirror cognitive processes. The code itself is a meditation on the nature of knowledge and understanding, while still remaining practical and useful for everyday tasks.


In essence, Kosmo represents a unique experiment in cognitive computing - one that takes seriously the idea that true intelligence emerges from the relationships between things, rather than from simple data processing. It's an approach that makes Kosmo not just a tool, but a partner in exploring and understanding your information landscape.


























